First I commytt my Soule into the hands of Almightye God my Saviour and Redeemer. And my Bodye to bee buryed in the churchyarde of Arthinglye aforesaid.
Item I give and bequeath to the pore of the parrishe of Arthinglye six shillings and eight pence of currant money of England to be bestowed amonge them by the discretion of my Executors, ministers churchwardens one month after my decease.
Item I will and bequeathe to William Anstye also Field my daughters son three pounds of lawful money of England to bee paid unto him at the age of one and twenty years. Also I will and bequeath to the said William Anstye also Field five sheepe to bee delivered to him by my Executor in five months after my decease.
All the rest of my good Credits and Chattels whatsoever my debts and funeral expenses discharged and paid. I will and bequeath to John Balcome Richard Balcome my sonnes to whom I make my Executors of this my last will and Testament, and I doe make and ordayne my trustye and beloved friends Alexander Greene of Westhoathlye and William Velveeke, John Gasson of Balcome overseers of this my last will and Testament and for their paynes to the task wherein I give and bequeath to either of them twelve pence of lawfull money of England.
In witness whereoft I have hereunto sett my hand and soule the day and yere firste above written: The marke of Thomas Balcome.
Signed and sealed in the presence of us Richard Balcome, Alexander Greene William Fieldwicke, Nicholas Giles, William Fieldwicke the younger witnesses.
Will proved 1 Dec. 1605 by the oaths of John and Richard Balcome.